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Nome: Miranda Cosgrove ON
Sigla: MCON
Data de criação: 22/08/2011
Versão: 1.5 Dancing ON
Twitter @MirandaCosgroOn
Webmaster: Rafael Viana
CoWebs: Raphael Z. Vagas
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Hoje a revista Capricho abriu as votações para o “ Capricho Awards 2011 “, uma votação para eleger os artistas que mais se destaca...
Ela parece ter curtido bastante, fazendo o que normalmente faz, ficar com sua amiga Cat. Ela publicou a foto abaixo. Ela está com esse casac...
Aos poucos a Miranda foi postando as fotos de um photoshoot não conhecido - e o qual ela não comentou - no perfil do Facebook e no twitter. ...
Este site não tem nenhum contato com Miranda Cosgrove, com a gravadora Columbia Records, com a produtora master Sony Music, Nickelodeon, ou qualquer outra incorporação relacionada. Este é um blog com intuito de informar os fãs da Miranda.
Se você viu uma postagem aqui e quer tê-la no seu blog, dê os devidos créditos, plágio é crime.
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Chaplain prayers,
FBI. IBM. Navy fire to Fire Departments Worldly CDF. Navy bird to infantry. Marine charge. City fire to coasties command to coast guard. Merchant marines charge banks. Merchant marines command of all schoolings to k-3, k-12, adult schools {upmost importance}, high schools, city colleges, universities, university. Merchant marines academy command teachers to all schoolings -make‘em honest. Merchant marines charge university command posts in each state. Knights of Columbus command banks of each state and federal accounts blessed in church lock downs. KOC charges bank accounts to states and national deficient. KOC charge all courtrooms synagogues blessed by me the king of heaven -Achillies. If you want orders KOC bless courts, all systems, law system as synagogues havens. We might bless them as heavens. Humors. Just entertainment for some of us it’s like “Star Trek”. City fire marine. State fire navy. Federal Fire County. Runs command. Set schoolings turfs. Messy cause cuz the bads don’t get it that way. White connection scramble all messages from bads. British command we got’s Joes. Just playing Joes. Just funning around homey. This has ready happened in time bad blood. KOC government a Pope a state one federal Pope one Italy Pope. –all humor. Yo Rangers lead the way.
Call sign ‘Code Blue’.
Az ‘George Howe’ 0’Neill Anonymous
Genius Physiologist Chaplain
Psychologist Film Military Scientist
Anthropologist Movies Sarcasm